A gay old bread time.

Okay so this is my story. It is scary. It is true. And it is embellished.
So I am out to dinner with some friends and they invite another friend who I know but not real well and he invites his friend who is wearing a purple shirt and tie.
Halfway through dinner the first friend has eaten a lot of bread sticks and he asks the waitress to bring more. I try to make convo by making a joke.
I say "you like breadsticks?"
He: "yeah"
Me: "you like breadsticks in your mouth?"
Me: "you're a gay bread! Hahahahaha!!!!"
The guy sits there, mouth agape. The whole table just stares at me. The guy in purple starts crying and gets up and runs out crying. I am confused.
Later back home my gf explains that the friend is GAY, and that was his boyfriend wearing the purple shirt!! I had no idea!! I start crying. I start hearing a dull moaning voice. A shiver goes down my back. Purple shirt boy appears.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"I am really a ghost! The ghost of GAY people who get made fun of! I want your SOUL!!!!! Mwa-heh-haw!!!"
He comes at me bro, knocks me down and I pass out.
Next thing I know, I was in bell-aire!
I think I have it made.
Suddenly, a skeleton pops out!
Now I am died, all because ghost.
Moral: be careful whatcha wish for, you might just insult a gay ghost and get it!